Hanging Sign Dog Walk
Hanging Sign Dog Walk
If you have ever had the good fortune of having a friend that has an incessantly wagging tail, and who considers the word éwalké as the most important ever to be included in human language-then you would know exactly why this quirky hook makes so much sense for your home. Dedicated to manés best friend, this MDF and iron made wall bracket with hook is as much a signboard as it is a functional hook.
Making your spaces smile with a cheerful feel can be achieved with the best in home utilities in store for you from Lavida- after all most of their designs have bene curated keeping in mind what most of us love to surround ourselves with-happiness! Here is one such dedication to one of our best friends- whose wagging tail, pitter patter of feet and cheery barks makes our days fill up with more energy and joy. The hook is as much a part of the design but is played down by the huge emotional content of what love it tries to convey through the design of this bracket. Made from sturdy MDF, the brown coloured bracket is woody in look, represents the outline of a dog sitting and thus will surely be one of those accessories in your home that will be loved for its quirkiness and feel -good factor.it features a black coloured double prong hook right at the place where your pooch could have his tail! A superb means to make your spaces cheer up instantly while also letting you use the advantage of a hook.